April 29, 2019

What a great time we had at the sleepover on Friday!  We played sports games, made newspaper stories, ate pizza for supper, then made bath bombs, played board games, and built Lego.  Thanks to the parents who were able to help with the activities and supervise the students: Shelly, Eric, Dawn, Julia, Leah, and Chantal. 
This week we go to Pender on Thursday morning for wheelchair basketball and other activities.  I'll send a reminder note later in the week.
We've chosen a play for our end of the year performance, it's called "Jiveland".  It's a play with lots of dancing and singing that takes place in the 1960s.  It will be lots of fun for everyone.  We're rereading the script this week and students will be choosing their parts in the play. 


Math:  Our focus in math for the next few weeks is measurement.  We are investigating liquid and mass measurements this week.
Reading:   Most of the focus for the next few weeks will be practicing our script "Jiveland.  
Writing:   Students are nearly finished their long fictional story.  It will have illustrations and be made into a booklet.  We'll put it together this week.
Tech: We'll be finished with Mindstorms this week and next students will be doing coding with Scratch.
Science: We continue investigating electricity.  The past 2 weeks I have had a Van de Graf Generator at the school and the students have been having fun with static electricity.    
Art:   We are focused on painting using watercolours.. 
PE:    In PE we will be focusing on track and field for the next few week as the district meet is on May 22.  Students are learning to jive and are doing a great job learning all the moves.  They seem to really enjoy it. 
French:   Students learned about ma famille, names for their family members .  

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