Feb. 6,  2017

Chess club starts on Monday at lunch for those students who are interested.  Thanks to Miller for suggesting it.  We certainly have had quite a few students away during the past few weeks and the regular routines of the class and some activities have been interrupted.  Hopefully students are getting over the sickness and we'll be back to normal soon.


Math:   This week we look at 2 digit times 2 digit numbers. I will show 3 strategies to find the answers.   
   "Math is the science of patterns."
Reading:   We continue to look at word power activities.    
We continue reading a group novel called "Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH."  
Students must record home reading in their reading log Monday to Thursday.
Writing:    We continue the class story called "Choose your Adventure".  It will take a couple of weeks to complete and will be posted online for you to look at.  Students are beginning to write a memoir about an important event in their life.  No doubt you'll be interest to read it.  
Science:  Student are in the process of choosing their science project with their partner. They will be doing research and making a model of a simple machine.  They will present their project as a class and display it for others to see.    
Tech:  We continue Hour of Code and students will be able to have fun coding with Sphero.
Art:  We are still investigating colour in art.  It's a great theme to have fun with .  
PE:  We continue practicing jiving and students will be starting to practice their routines soon.  Basketball continues this week.   
French:  We continue  with learning colours and I'll introduce weather.  

You are welcome to phone me or email me if you have  any questions about what is happening in class.  250-537-4962  or jlightfoot@sd64.bc.ca


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