Nov. 21, 2016

This is another busy week for us.  We have VB on Monday at Fernwood and on Wednesday at SSE.  I still need a driver for tomorrow and if you can make it we leave from the school at 11:00.  We also have Book Fair this week and Thursday is pizza day!
I will be giving the students their reporting self-assessments to start this week in preparation for upcoming parent conferences.  By the way, the schedule is pretty much full and if you aren't able to make it that day let me know and we can arrange another time to meet.


Math:   We are now studying integers and students are practicing strategies with positive and negative numbers.       "Math is the science of patterns."
Reading:   We continue with short stories and both discussion and analysis.  We will also be looking at some skits for the upcoming Christmas concert.  I'll let you know what we choose. 
Students continue to read "just right" books during Silent Reading time which I have daily.   
Students must record home reading in their reading log Monday to Thursday.
Writing:   Students have just about finished their character study and will begin writing a Christmas story to enter into the Driftwood story contest.   
Science:  We have started a unit on work and will look at forces such as gravity and push/pull.  We continue to do some simple experiments about work and forces.  
Tech:  Students are currently creating their first post for their blog.  They should be able to show you the start of their blog next week in time for conferences.  
Art:  In art we continue to focus on developing characters for Graphic Novels and cartooning.  
PE:  We continue with volleyball this week and continue learning folk dance such as the Hukila.   
French:  We continue with beginning phrases and sentences; colours and days of the week, months of the year are featured.  I've taught them a fun marching song for the days of the week, le jours de la semaine.

You are welcome to phone me or email me if you have  any questions about what is happening in class.  250-537-4962  or


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