Nov. 28, 2016

This is our final week for volleyball.  We have a tournament on Monday from 11:00 to 1:00 at SSE.  It should be a fun time for everyone.  Thanks to the parent drivers who have been available during the day to drive to the games.  Wednesday is Parent/Student/Teacher conference day and most parents have scheduled a time to meet with me and their child.  If you have not been able to schedule a time with me, give me a call or email me so we can arrange a time to meet.  I will be copying and sending home the conference reports after Wednesday.
Our class will be performing "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas" for the Christmas concert on Dec. 13.  We've added some twists to the story which we think will be fun for you to see.


Math:   We continue to study integers and are now beginning to add positive and negative numbers.       "Math is the science of patterns."
Reading:   Students are practicing oral reading--reading for loudness, fluency and expression.  
Students continue to read "just right" books during Silent Reading time which I have daily.   
Students must record home reading in their reading log Monday to Thursday.
Writing:   This week we are starting a Christmas story to enter in the Driftwood Christmas story contest.      
Science:  We continue to look at forces and work and completed an experiment measuring the amount of work it takes to move an object and how work could be made easier to move that same object. 
Tech:  Students continue to work on their blog.  
Art:  In art we continue to focus on developing characters for Graphic Novels and cartooning.  
PE:  This week will focus on ball handling skills and I will begin to teach students how to jive.   
French:  We continue with beginning phrases and sentences; colours and days of the week, months of the year are featured.  I've taught them a fun marching song for the days of the week, le jours de la semaine.

You are welcome to phone me or email me if you have  any questions about what is happening in class.  250-537-4962  or


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