Nov. 14, 2016

The class performed "Highway of Heroes" at last week's Remembrance Day assembly and they did a wonderful job.  It was touching and thoughtful.

Highway of Heroes by The Trews

This week we have graphic novels on Wednesday as well as a volleyball game at lunch against SSE.  I will start showing the class how to create a Blog this week. I am asking them to create a blog on passion they have such as a hobby, sport or some keen interest.  It will take a few weeks to create and they can email the blog when it is finished.


Math:   This week we  look at number systems from around the world and then start to look at integers for a study on addition and subtraction.      "Math is the science of patterns."
Reading:   We continue with short stories and both discussion and analysis.  
Students continue to read "just right" books during Silent Reading time which I have daily.   
Students must record home reading in their reading log Monday to Thursday.
Writing:   Students continue to develop character traits for a character study they are writing about.  They will start by reading excerpts from books, mapping characteristics, then writing 2 paragraphs about their character.  This will take at least 2 weeks to complete.  
Science:  We have started a unit on work and will look at forces such as gravity and push/pull.  We'll also do an experiment making a pendulum.
Tech: I start to show students how to create a blog this week.  Students are learning how to use Google drive to save and share their work.  
Art:  In art we continue to focus on developing characters for Graphic Novels and cartooning.  
PE:  We continue with volleyball this week and continue learning folk dance.   
French:  We continue with beginning phrases and sentences; colours and days of the week are featured.  

You are welcome to phone me or email me if you have  any questions about what is happening in class.  250-537-4962  or


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