April 7,  2015

   Welcome back!  I hope the Easter Bunny was generous to everyone.  This week Rock Kamp starts up again, this time we'll be practicing on Tuesday mornings.  Students interested in performing for the Spring Showcase on April 23 should have their form in by Friday. Also, I'll be talking to the students about looking at some plays for our end of the year performance.  I'd like to choose a play in a couple of weeks.  I'll keep you updated.  


Math:   We continue investigating measurement.  This week we'll look at perimeter and area.
Reading: We'll finish off the shadow puppet shows, then start some looking at poetry.  
Writing: We will begin some story writing this week starting with brainstorming about creating characters for a story.
Keyboarding: Keyboarding practice continues.  www.freetypinggame.net
Social Studies:    We continue with our journey in the 1858 Gold Rush.  Students have their own characters and are keeping journals and learning about different aspects of the history of the gold rush.    
Art: Our theme for the next few weeks will be using different media to depict spring flowers.  Should be colourful!
PE:  We are practicing basketball skills for the next few weeks.  I teach a dance lesson every Wednesday.  We're continue to do folk dancing.
French:  Students will be learning some French phrases and dialogue using a whimsical series call Telefrancais..

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