January 26, 2015

   Hey, January is nearly over!  That was fast.  Students had a great time at the first Rock Kamp and were able to do some music activities and the rock groups were chosen.  This week groups will pick their band name and start to work with the instruments.  


Math:   On Monday we are reviewing multiplication and then will have a quiz on Tuesday.  Next is division.   
Reading:  Students voices were recorded and played to the class.  Everyone (including me) felt strange hearing their voice over the speakers, but it was a good chance for students to hear how others hear them.  This week we will be doing some Readers' Theater activities with small groups.  Groups will practice the stories and then read them aloud to the class.  
Writing: I've been giving students simple sentences to improve with a focus on using adjectives and telling more details.  
Keyboarding: Keyboarding practice continues.  www.freetypinggame.net
Science: Students have begun their first science project using iPad minis.  In partners, students are researching a topic about the digestive system and then doing a slide show using Keynote in the minis.  When they are done they will show the class their project using the digital projector and Apple TV.
Art: We continue investigating colour using a variety of media.
PE:  In gymnastics students have been learning tumbling routines and doing simple stunts.  Students practice dance once a week.  I'm teaching them square dancing.
French:  We are practicing days of the week with a fun marching song.  Next well do les saisons.

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