January 19, 2015

   This week all the students are excited because Rock Kamp is starting.  Every Tuesday afternoon Diona Davies is coming to class and working with students musically.  Students will be choosing instruments to try this week, then working with their classmates to form rock bands.  They will be practicing together and creating their own music.  This will continue through out the year with a first performance before spring break and another one at the end of the year.  I'm sure your child has talked to you about it and they'll be able to tell you more after the first practice on Tuesday.  


Math:   We are continuing to work with multiplication and practicing basic timetable skills.  Ask them to show you how to play the game "Bizz Buzz." 
Reading:  Students continue to practice reading with Reading A to Z.  I have begun to record read aloud passages from each student.  Plus they have completed a timed one-minute fluency test.  
Writing: We continue focusing on sentence writing and developing strong sentences in order to write strong paragraphs.  We have been looking at nouns, verbs, and adjectives.
Keyboarding: Keyboarding practice continues.  www.freetypinggame.net
Science:We continue to study nutrition and healthy eating.  Everyone loved doing the starch test!
Art: I was very impressed with the creative colour wheels the students completed last week.
PE:  In gymnastics students have been learning tumbling routines and doing simple stunts.  Students practice dance once a week.  I'm teaching them square dancing.
French:  We have looked at les couleurs and days of the week.

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