January 12, 2015

   It was a great start for using the daily reading chart at school.  I was really impressed at the amount of time students were reading at home especially after I recorded the results of the first day on the chart.  Most were reading 20 minutes the first day; on the second many were reading 50, 60 minutes, and one student read for 3 hours!  Congrats, everybody.   


Math:   Multiplication continues with 3 digit multiplication.  I've taught students 3 strategies for doing multiplication including what's called the Lattice method.  Ask them to show you how to do it! 
Reading:  We're doing Reading A to Z for a few weeks as well as focusing on reading aloud and fluency.  I will be recording students reading stories and letting them listen to their voices and self-assessing how they read.
Writing: We continue focusing on sentence writing and developing strong sentences in order to write strong paragraphs.  We have been looking at nouns, verbs, and adjectives.
Keyboarding: Keyboarding practice continues daily.   I encourage students to practice keyboarding at home at the online site we use at school.  www.freetypinggame.net
Science:We continue to study nutrition and healthy eating.
Art: In Art we'll be investigating the colour wheel and learning about colour mixing.
PE:  In gymnastics students have been learning tumbling routines and doing simple stunts.  Students practice dance once a week.
French:  We have looked at les couleurs.

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