This Week

The class has been without a garbage for the year.  While we have been recycling paper and plastic at school, starting in February all plastic and other materials brought from home must be returned there.  Students will wash any materials and then place them in their backpack.  Please send students to school with reusable containers if possible.  The school is trying to reduce all recycled materials this year.  Thanks for your help in making our class more environmentally responsible.


Math: This week we start a new math unit on measurement.  Students will be doing a couple of projects to enrich their understanding.  I’ll let you know what they are when the occasion arises.  
Reading:  We start getting really immersed in orally reading.  Students will be working with partners to practice reading aloud and focussing on theses areas: fluency, loudness, expression, and clarity.  We’re looking at compound words and contractions.
Writing:  Students are continuing to write paragraphs--this week’s focus is “Organizing ideas”.  
Keyboarding: Keyboarding practice continues daily.   I encourage students to practice keyboarding at home at the online site we use at school.
Social Studies:  Students are studying maps of the provinces.  As well, they are creating a fantasy map that includes imaginative details and geographical features.
Art: We continue looking at shapes and lines in art.
PE:  We continue with dance on Tuesdays: presently I’m teaching square dancing.  Also, students will be learning basketball skills.
French:  We are learning and practicing more numbers, days of the week, and months of the year..  

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