This Week
What a great camping trip to Rathtrevor Beach!  A little wet, a little cold, but a lotta fun.  Thanks to all the parents who came on the trip and took the time to drive and chaperon the students, you were fabulous.  And thanks to the students who made the trip so much fun and were good sports about the unpleasant weather. 
This week on Wednesday we are on another excursion, this time to Cusheon Cove with the Saltspring Conservancy group.  Students will be learning about the history of the cove, see amazing artifacts, and learn how First Nations used nettles for food and making rope.  If you would like to join us, be at the classroom at 9:00 on Wednesday.
Starting on October 15 our class will be hosting a student teacher, Mr. Dustin Bean.  Dustin will be observing the first week but then will gradually take on teaching duties in the classroom under my supervision.  I’m looking forward to working with him and know that the students will enjoy having new learning experiences with him.

Math: Students are learning about coordinates and will be using them to plot graphs.
Reading:. Students continue to read short stories and readers’ theatre, and we’ll be focusing on reading fluency and reading out loud.  Once a week I look to do a news story with the class.
Writing: Our focus continues to be on developing a strong understanding of sentences and grammar.  Students will be have daily writing times
Keyboarding: Daily keyboarding continues.  I encourage students to practice at home on the website we use at school:
Art: The themes we continue looking at in art are lines and patterns.
PE:  I’m starting out with simple games and focusing on cooperation and teamwork.  Every Tuesday is dance day: students are learning to jive.

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