This Week

We plan to have another fun and busy week.  On Monday Kris Holbrook of the Saltspring Conservancy will visit us to talk about our May 13th trip to Burgoyne Bay.  I’ll send a notice about it home on Monday.  On Wednesday we go to a play at SSE and Thursday along with swimming we’ll be building bird houses and having our sleep over.  I’ll send home a second note about the sleep over on Tuesday. 


Math: This week we start investigating geometry starting with lines, rays, and parallels lines.  Then we’ll look at polygons.
Reading: Students are enjoying the book, “Old Yeller”.  We are doing both guided and independent reading along with activities.
Writing: Students are writing different types of poetry.
Art: This week we continue weaving with wool in our classrooms. Students are really enjoying working with their hands.
PE:  We’ll be finishing off floor hockey this week and I’d like to start doing some gymnastics next week.  Tuesdays students continue to learn dance. We’re learning some dances from the sixties and seventies.
Science: Students continue working in partners to create a PowerPoint on simple machines.  I’ve asked them to bring a 2L plastic bottle from home so we can make some bottle rockets.  I’ll let you know when we plan to launch them at school.
French: Students continue to learn basic vocabulary and phrases while viewing “Telefrancais”.

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