This Week
         It’s already April and Easter is here! There’s egg decorating with our buddies on Wednesday.  Also we are focusing on choosing a play for performance later in the year.  The performance will likely be an afternoon one and I’m hoping we can choose the play in the next two weeks.                                Exciting news!  Our class has a student teacher coming for three weeks starting April 10.  Daniella Benloulou is with UVIC and completing her first practicum with us.  She visited the class on Wednesday and is very eager to spend time observing and doing some lessons with the class.                                   In class I have been talking with the students about the topic of “Growing Up”.  We are talking about emotional, physical, and social changes that occur as kids grow up to be adults.  On Wednesday afternoon Chris Smart, a public health nurse, is coming to the class to speak with the girls about physical changes and puberty while I talk with the boys. 
Math: Students are immersed in learning about area and volume. They will be designing an island using chart paper and including measurement features.
Reading: We’ve finished Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH  and students will be choosing a final project to present about the novel.
Writing:  Students are focusing on writing with dialogue which is one of the hardest features of story writing.       
Computer: We have finished entering book reviews on the class wiki site.  You can read them at this link:
Social studies: We will be finishing our Barkerville models this week and displaying them in front of the library.  Come see them if you’re at school!    
Art: We did some great basket weaving with Deb Magnusson and I’ll post pictures of them later this week.
PE: Wednesday—jogging and fitness; Tuesday--dance; Monday and Thursday are game day.  This week we’re going to learn some crazy dances from the 50s and 60s. 

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