This Week
      On Thursday we will have potato day. Basically, we’ll have baked potatoes with toppings.  Yumm!
Math: More practice with rounding numbers and learning Roman numerals. 
Reading: The school now has Reading Workshops Monday to Wednesday.  Students are grouped together to meet their reading needs.  Our group is focusing on prefixes, specifically number prefixes.
Writing:  Students are writing fictional stories focusing on using descriptive words.   
Social studies: We look at maps: Canada and geography.
Art: Continue with types of lettering—vanishing point and 3D.
Recorder: Students will learn E and D notes and continue to compose their own music.  I hope to introduce some Christmas music to practice soon. Students are welcome to take their recorder and music home to practice.
PE: Monday—jogging and fitness; Tuesday--dance; and Wednesday and Thursday are game days—volleyball is starting.

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