April 9,  2017

We've started several projects in class including some woodworking and Lego Robotics.  We will be reading our final play this week and then selecting a play for our year-end performance.  Students will vote on the play and then we'll discuss roles and students will decide on parts they might like to act for the play.  Perhaps we'll have chosen the play by the end of the week if all goes well.


Math:   We are studying triangles, circles, and solids for the next few lessons.    
   "Math is the science of patterns."
Reading:   We continue with the word sorts twice a week.   Students will next be selecting a novel to read on their own.    
Writing:    We continue to focus on paragraphs and will be looking at different themes to write on.  Students have also started developing a character framework for an alter ego which they will write about.  We do this activity every Wednesday.
Science: We will be test piloting some science kits the School District is purchasing and have ordered.  We should start in a couple of weeks. 
Tech:  We started a unit on Lego Robotics last week and the class was divided into 5 teams.  The Lego Jr. theme for this year is to build a robotic animal that lives in the habit of a honey bee.  They had a great time picking a team name and now they are focusing on building the lego basics and choosing an animal for their honey bee theme.  
Art:  We will be focusing on design and drawing daffodils, plus we're doing a bit of woodworking.  
PE:  Students continue to do weekly fitness stations.  We will practice a couple of more sessions with square dancing and then move on to dances from the 50s and 60s. 
French:   Our theme continues with les parties des corps.    

You are welcome to phone me or email me if you have  any questions about what is happening in class.  250-537-4962  or jlightfoot@sd64.bc.ca


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