Jan. 3, 2017

Welcome to the new year!  I hope everyone had a great Christmas break and did lots of fun things over the holidays.  This is a short week, school is Tuesday to Thursday with Friday being a Pro-d day for District staff.  We're doing a bit of catching up this week, but we'll also be starting some new projects and themes in subject areas.


Math:   We continue to practice strategies and facts with adding and subtracting.    
   "Math is the science of patterns."
Reading:   This week we'll be looking at word power activities and we'll start with prefixes including number prefixes tomorrow.  
Students continue to read "just right" books during Silent Reading time which I have daily.   
Students must record home reading in their reading log Monday to Thursday.
Writing:   We will work on a writing activity that will add to the student's blog.  Also, we'll be starting a time capsule project and students will need to bring in a shoe box for it.  
Science:  Our focus is Work: experiments and learning about forces.  This week we'll investigate ramps and levers.  
Tech:  Students continue to work on their blog and will begin learning code with Hour of Code.   
Art:  I hope you enjoyed the graphic novels the students made.  This week we'll be doing an art project called, "Fireworks!" 
PE:  This week I plan to start doing some fitness training and continue to teach students how to jive.  
French:  We continue  with learning colours and I'll introduce weather.  

You are welcome to phone me or email me if you have  any questions about what is happening in class.  250-537-4962  or jlightfoot@sd64.bc.ca


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