Oct.2, 2016

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving weekend.  This week we're at school Tuesday to Friday.  On Friday afternoon I am planning to have a teacher/parent/student meeting at 1:30 in the classroom.  I will be introducing myself and sharing some information with you; students will be telling you about routines and class topics, then they will be showing you some activities we have done at school.  The meeting will take about 70 minutes and you may take your child home with you when you are finished.

 Link to student photos

A reminder to pay Vivienne $26.50 for school supplies if you haven't done so already.  Thanks!


Math:   We are plotting line graphs using coordinates and students will also be completing a bar graph project.  "Math is the science of patterns."
Reading:   We continue to focus on reading aloud using poems and stories to do both choral and individual reading.  Students will read to you at the parent meeting.  Some students will be getting additional reading support for 40 minutes 3 times a week. 
Students continue to read "just right" books during Silent Reading time which I have daily.   
Students must record home reading in their reading log Monday to Thursday.
Writing:   Students will complete a creative story this week using a web for ideas and then typing the story on the computer.   I continue to focus on basic writing skills including sentence structure and grammar.  
Social Studies:  I am teaching the students how to use a compass and take bearings.  Students have been partnered up to work on a province project which will last a couple of weeks.  
Art:  We are doing some lettering and personal symbols.  
PE:  We continue with ball handling skills.  In dance we are focussing on folk dance and I'll teach them some fun dances including the chicken dance and Thriller.  
French:  I have started introducing beginning phrases with the students such as introductions--"Bonjour, Je m'appelle..."

You are welcome to phone me or email me if you have  any questions about what is happening in class.  250-537-4962  or jlightfoot@sd64.bc.ca

 My 5 puppies at my feet.

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