October 5,  2015

It was a wonderful, amazing, fantastic trip to Horne Lake last week.  Everyone had a great time with all the activities we did: mini-golf, caving, camping, and swimming.  Thanks to the parents for their support for the class and thanks to the students for their cooperation and great attitude!
A reminder that on Thursday, Oct. 8 at 1:30 there is a Parent meeting at school with students in attendance.   I will be introducing myself and discussing school issues, then students will be explaining class routines and leading you through some activities. A note was send home today about it.  
Our class will be having a student teacher from VIU, Daniel Squizzato, who will be working with our class until Christmas.  He is completing his final practicum and I know that the students will be welcoming and show him the great spirit and respectful community we have at Fulford School.


Math:   Students are learning about T-charts with patterns will be completing a small project.  "Math is the science of patterns."
Reading: Students continue with Reading A to Z. We are practicing reading aloud with FLEX: Fluency, Loudness, and Expression.
Writing: Students continue practicing writing sentences and the parts of a sentence such as nouns and verbs.  They will complete a writing assignment on their trip to Horne Lake.
Social Studies:   We continue looking and learning about maps and I will start teaching them how to use compasses when we get back from our trip.
Science: We will be talking about how to take measurements of the Fulford Estuary so that students can make a map of the area.  
Keyboarding:  We have started keyboarding in class which helps students to become better writers. Students can practice online at home at this site:   http://www.freetypinggame.net/
Art: We continue studying patterns and lines.  
PE:  We've started learning some games and will practice soccer skills.
French:  Students will be starting to learn simple French words and greetings after next week's trip.

You are welcome to phone me or email me if you have  any questions about what is happening in class.  250-537-4962  or jlightfoot@sd64.bc.ca

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