October 26,  2015

We plan to go to the Fulford Estuary on Wednesday morning if Cate McEwan can accompany us to do some science activities, otherwise we'll try to do it next week. We leave the school at 9:00 and you are welcome to join us. I will let you know if we are going Wednesday with a note in  the Planner.

This week our student teacher, Daniel Squizzato, will be starting his teaching with the class.  He will be starting with a unit on poetry and in science the study of the skeletal system.  I know Daniel's excited to work with the students and I expect we'll have lots of fun over the next few weeks.

On Thursday students may dress in their Hallowe'en costume.  We will have a costume parade with all the classes in the gym at 9:40 and we will perform the song "Thriller".  Students can bring some snacks to share in the afternoon if they wish.

Please send supply money ($26.50)  to school as soon as you can. There are still a few who have not sent it in yet.  


Math:   Students have completed their Pattern Project and it is hanging up in our hallway.  Next in math we look at number theory which includes place value and rounding.
 "Math is the science of patterns."
Reading: We continue to practice reading aloud with FLEX: Fluency, Loudness, and Expression.  I am also focusing on vocabulary and some spelling.  Daniel will be starting a unit on poetry with in both reading and writing.
Writing: Students have completed their Horne Lake Report and are currently writing a Hallowe'en story.  Poetry is next.
Tech: Students have started to use their email and are really excited about it.  I will be teaching them ways to use email and other features of Google including Calendar.
Social Studies:   Students will be using mapping skills to make a map of Fulford Estuary.
Science: We will be collecting data at the  Fulford Estuary so that students can make a map of the Fulford Estuary area.  Daniel starts a unit on the skeletal system this week.  
Keyboarding:  We continue keyboarding in class which helps students to become better writers. Students can practice online at home at this site:   http://www.freetypinggame.net/
Art: We are making Hallowe'en art this week and decorating the classroom.  Next week, Daniel wil start doing an Art unit on the elements of art.
PE:  We've have started a weekly dance session.  I'll be starting with a variety of folk dance including the Hora and the Hula.
French:  Students will be starting to learn simple French words and greetings after next week's trip.
Bonjour, au revoir, Comment t'appelles-tu?  Je m'appelle....

You are welcome to phone me or email me if you have  any questions about what is happening in class.  250-537-4962  or jlightfoot@sd64.bc.ca

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