November 24

    Thursday is "Potato Day."   I will bring potatoes and toppings and we'll bake some potatoes in the morning and eat them at about 11:30.  Students won't need a big lunch that day.  Students completed a Map quiz on Thursday and most students did very well.  They practiced at school and many students did extra practice at home.  I am sending home note this week about an upcoming trip to Victoria with Mr. MacQueen's class.  I'm hoping that 3 or 4 parents can come along.  Note that parents that accompany classes on field trips need criminal record checks.


Math:  We continue to focus on subtraction and soon will be looking at multiplication. 
Reading:  This week along with Reading A to Z, we will be choosing a Christmas concert activity to present.  Students are interested in performing a short play.
Writing: We continue to work on the Christmas story for the Driftwood Christmas story contest.  A focus is writing good sentences and editing work carefully!
Keyboarding: Keyboarding practice continues daily.   I encourage students to practice keyboarding at home at the online site we use at school.
Science:We begin a unit on nutrition and healthy eating this week. Students have already visited the Canada Health Food Guide site.  
Art: Students created some really cool spinning wheels with patterns that are hanging on the classroom wall.  Come into see them if you get a chance.
PE:  Volleyball continues.  I am also teaching students dance once a week.

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