This Week March 3

On Monday we’re off to town at 10:30 with 2 other classes to go swimming and then for a show at Artspring.  Students need to remember to bring their swim gear and a packed lunch.  On Tuesday the girls and I have a basketball game at Saltspring Elementary which should start at about 11:30, while the boys play SSE at our school on Thursday at lunch.  


Math: Students are using weigh and spring scales to measure and learn about mass.
Reading:  We are continuing with a few Readers’ Theatre stories and will soon start reading some scripts with students reading parts.  We’ll be starting to think of some plays to present for our year end production.   On Wednesdays we continue working with poetry--reading and writing.
Writing:  Students are continuing to write paragraphs--we are continuing to focus on descriptive paragraphs.  
Keyboarding: Keyboarding practice continues daily.   I encourage students to practice keyboarding at home at the online site we use at school.
Social Studies:  Students now have a homestead in the fictional town of Snow Lake.  They are building their homestead and continuing to chart the changes in their diaries.  Students will be picking jobs to do such as working in the general store or post office.  
Art: Much of our art projects have to do with activities concerning the homesteads such as drawing their homestead and building a model of their home..
PE:  We continue with dance on Tuesdays.  We will be learning some fun dances from the 60’s Students continue learning basketball skills.
French:  We have been learning about the weather and practicing simple conversations.    I also plan on teaching them a couple of songs.  Ask them to sing, “Ding a dondan” to you.

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