This Week Feb. 3-6

Starting this week all plastic and other recyclables except for paper products must be taken home.  Please encourage your child to put their snacks and foods into reusable containers.  Thanks!  


Math: Students are learning about area and volume this week.  Next, we’ll be focusing on mass and weights.
Reading:  Students are working in groups with Readers’ Theater scripts to read aloud to the class.  On Wednesdays we are working with poetry--reading and writing.
Writing:  Students are continuing to write paragraphs--this week’s focus is writing a descriptive paragraph.  
Keyboarding: Keyboarding practice continues daily.   I encourage students to practice keyboarding at home at the online site we use at school.
Social Studies:  The fantasy maps are nearly finished and they look great!  They will be hung on the wall to display the creative ideas of the students.  We will finish looking at BC in mapping and then begin a study of Saltspring.
Art: We continue looking at shapes and lines in art.
PE:  We continue with dance on Tuesdays.  We are practicing jiving for a public performance at school on Valentine’s Day.   Stay tuned for a personal invitation.   Students continue learning basketball skills.
French:  We continue learning and practicing more numbers, days of the week, and months of the year.  I also plan on teaching them a couple of songs.

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