This Week

This is Mr. Bean’s last week.  The class has had a great time with him and we have all enjoyed his sense of humour, enthusiasm and caring for the students.  He has enriched the learning lives of the students and we all wish him the best in his teaching career.  
This week we are focusing on practicing a play for the Christmas Concert we’ve called, “How to have a merry Christmas.”  Thursday is pizza day and money and forms are due in by Monday.
The class is excited to be doing “Secret Santas” where each student secretly draws another student’s name and makes or buys ($5) a present for him/her.  Each child in the class is participating so your child should be thinking about getting a gift for their secret buddy and bringing to school by next week.


Math: We’ve started multiplication by teaching about the use of arrays and begun practicing the times table.  Students will be practicing this daily.
Reading:  Students are completing their story board and will be be reading holiday selections.
Writing:  Students are nearly completed their Powerpoint research project on an animal.  
Keyboarding: Keyboarding practice continues daily.   I encourage students to practice keyboarding at home at the online site we use at school.
Science:  The class is finishing the unit on nutrition and the digestive system with Mr. Bean.
Art: Students are making Christmas arts and crafts.
PE:  We are learning line dancing with Mr. Bean.  Also, we are practicing a couple of dances for the Christmas concert.
French:  We continue to practice greetings and phrases along with some Christmas vocabulary.  

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