This Week

Welcome to a new year and the class blog.  Please refer to this blog for weekly updates on the classroom, news, events, and photos of the students.  If you have any questions or concerns or ideas you’d like to chat about feel free to phone me at home (537-4962) or we can meet at school if you prefer.  This week the class is planning for our camping trip to Rathtrevor Beach on October 1 and 2.  Students will be organized into camp groups and will be planning tenting and eating arrangements.   I will be sending home camping supply lists on Thursday.  Please read them carefully to ensure the lists are accurate and appropriate for supplies.  Any parents who wish to be volunteer drivers for the camping trip or other trips during the year must fill in a Volunteer Driver’s form and get a Driver’s Abstract from ICBC.  The forms have been sent home; to obtain the abstract call 1-800-950-1498 and have it faxed to the school 250-653-2090.


Math: Our focus for the first few weeks in school in math is patterns.

Reading: I am doing some reading assessments with the students so I can become familiar with their skills and comprehension. Students will be reading short stories, readers’ theatre, and we’ll be focusing on reading fluency.

Writing: Attention will be focused on developing a strong understanding of sentences and grammar.  Students will be have daily writing times and are currently writing penpal letters to children in Malawi.

Art: The themes we are looking at in art are lines and patterns.

PE:  I’m starting out with simple games and focusing on cooperation and teamwork.  Every Tuesday is dance day: students are learning to jive.


  1. Great talk yesterday, Jim. Wish I had an elementary teacher like you. By 9 I was in shorts and a tie and had done two years of latin by rote.
    Wanted to say, I'd be happy to help in whatever capacity with the play. I can run lines, coach a little. Might as well use my years as an actor for something.

    1. Thanks for the comment, Cecil. It was nice to meet with you and others on Thursday. I'll be looking forward to working with you on the play later in the year.

