This Week
         We’ve started a discussion about ideas for a play the class will be doing in May or early June.  We’ve talked only generally with some suggestions such as Peter Pan, Romeo and Juliet, and a dance show, however, it will take some time to narrow it down.  I’d like to have the play chosen before spring break.  This week we will be walking to Drummond Park looking for special pieces of driftwood that we will be using to make a basket.  Deb Magnusson will be coming to work with us at the end of February and March 1 to make woven reed baskets. 
Math: We have completed division and now start working with measurement.  This will include linear measurement, area, volume, weights, and liquids.  Students love measuring things!
Reading: We continue reading Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH.  Students have made some interesting pictures of the rats’ home underground.  As well we are working on developing word power skills with vocabulary and prefix practice. 
Writing:  Last week students worked on the topic of their favourite Fulford place.  It was interesting to read the descriptions of the student’s favourite spot around and in the school.  This week students will start learning how to do a book review.  Eventually the book reviews will be published on a wikisite.  I’ll post the site when the students are finished.     
Computer: We continue with keyboarding practice done 2 or 3 times a week. I am also teaching students different aspects of using Office word.
Social studies: Students are choosing a business to operate in Barkerville.  Students will be involved with several activities with their business over the next few weeks including writing, making business cards, and making a model of their business.    
Art: We continue to investigate mixing colours with different media.
Recorder: Back to playing some favourite songs and some review.
PE: Monday—jogging and fitness; Tuesday--dance; Wednesday and Thursday are game day.  In dance we have learned the Virginia reel, the chicken dance, and parts of Michael Jackson’s Thriller.  This week we learn the Hora and a Hawaiian dance. 

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