Welcome to 2021!  I hope everyone had a restful and enjoyable Christmas break.  I'm looking forward to the new year and have lots of projects and activities planned for the class.  We have a new student added to the class and her name is Ava Johnston.  We all welcome her to the class and I think she has already made some friends in the first couple of days.  We do have a great bunch of kids!


Math:  We are now practicing multiplication patterns with single and 2-digit multiplication.  "Math is the science of patterns."
Reading:  This term I'm starting to focus on read aloud and speaking strategies which we practice using Reader's Theatre and drama.
We continue doing weekly Word Sorts, which is a spelling program the focuses on spelling patterns.  
 Several students receive reading support outside the classroom for an hour, 2 days a week. 
Writing:   Our focus for the next few weeks is paragraph development as well as looking at how to use dialogue in writing.  It's often very difficult because of the technical aspects of quotation marks.  Students will be doing a research topic on a favourite place in the world and they will be presenting the information using a slide show.  They can email it to you when it's finishedStudents practice keyboarding online daily so that they can type their written work efficiently.  Here's a link to it:  https://www.typing.com/
Tech: We will starting coding with Scratch soon and I would also like to teach the class how to create a blog.  This will be lots of fun for them!
Social Studies: I am teaching students how to use a compass and we'll be looking at maps of Saltspring.
Science:  In science I will be starting a unit on sound. 
Art:   Our theme for this term is colour!  I'm starting by looking at the colour wheel and students will be experimenting using and mixing colours.
PE:    In PE we continue doing fitness stations once a week and we are also starting a unit on basketball.  In dance we continue learning some folk and modern dances.
French:   In French students will be learning the weather, counting numbers to 30, and the family.  

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