This Week
         Monday and Tuesday we are on a trip to Horne Lake Caves.  On the way we’ll go to Paradise mini-golf and on the way back we’ll stop for a swim at a pool in Nanaimo.  I’ll post some pictures when we return.    

Math: The focus for the first few weeks of school is Patterns.  It’s an interesting investigation of numerals and symbols and a foundation topic in math.  Ask your child, “What is math?”
Reading: I have been working with students listening to them read and learning about their vocabulary, oral reading skills, and reading levels and interests.  Students are reading booklets in a series called, Reading A to Z, as well as reading individually, and completing word studies.
Writing:  In writing we are focusing on learning about sentences: punctuation, grammar, spelling, and making sentences interesting.  Students write daily in a journal on a variety of topics. 
Science. Students are learning how to use a compass and we are beginning to look at trees and forests which is a school-wide theme for the year.  Additionally, I spend 1 or 2 lessons a week investigating the brain, specifically how we learn.  We look at different parts of the brain, the left/right hemisphere, different ways of learning.  A great website is     
Art: The focus is lines and patterns.
Recorder: This year students are learning to play the recorder.  They are learning the scale and practicing the notes B, A, and G. 
PE: On Mondays we do some jogging and fitness; Tuesdays is normally dance, and the other two days have been spent on learning simple ball games.

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